Studied following elements
(detailed description for teacher)
It is a good practice to use uppercase letters for mysql commands, because most of the following content consist of commands I wil keep them lowercase to keep text more readable
Week 1.6
- setting password
- show and create databases
- show, create and describe tables:
assigning unique id (auto_increment)
adding simple information
setting primary key
requiring specific information (not null)
- insert, select and delete row from database
- select only specific columns
- display columns in specific order (last_name asc/desc, limit)
- update tables
- update column names (alter table)
- inner join tables
Week 1.7
- connecting database to PHP (mysql_connect, query, mysql_fetch_object)
- connecting database through PHP Data Objects (PDO, PDO attributes)
- retrieving data from database (prepared statements)